FBP InternationalFBP InternationalFBP International


FBP International – The ‘Go-To’ Brand for Migrating to Australia

Looking forward to migrating to the thriving and scenic land of Australia? Exploring educational/professional courses in Australian Universities for a bright career? Longing to meet your long-time friends or relatives settled in Australia? Planning to make your business presence in the progressing economy of Australia? Well, there is simply no dearth of reasons for moving […]
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Why choose FBP to Migrate to Australia from the UAE

United Arab Emirates or simply put the UAE is home to above 9 million expats from 280 countries. These expats have played a great role in making the UAE a global hub for tourism and key financial activity. The society has turned into a multi-cultural of harmony and peace. However, there are individuals and families […]
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Australia dominates for HNWI inflows in 2018

Australia was the top country worldwide for HNWI inflows in 2018, beating out its main rival the US for the 4′-11 year running. Popular places for them to move to in Australia included: Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Perth, and Brisbane. Possible reasons for Australia ‘s popularity among migrating HNWls: The safety of the […]
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Vanuatu Passport Sales Skyrocket

Vanuatu Government coffers are bulging with money as passport revenues rise to new heights. Over VT 1.3 billion in passport-related revenues were received in January alone, according to the government’s latest financial report. The number of passports sold each month more than doubled from September to October last year, and have remained at nearly that […]
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Just how fair is the new 870 Visa?

The concept of parent visas has become to an extent somewhat redundant in Australian Immigration. Broadly speaking there are two visa categories available for parents wishing to join or visit their children: Contributory Parent Visas Non-Contributory Parent Visas Both visas carry major flaws and impracticalities. The average wait time for non-contributory parent visa is now […]
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Why Make Australia your new home for all Migrants from Dubai & Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates and India

When you ask the question of what Australia is known for to the world, you get answers like kangaroos, koalas, cricket, swimming, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, Bondi Beach, Aborigines, Russell Crow, Mel Gibson, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Chris Hemsworth, Cate Blanchett, Mines, Minerals, wine, and Vegemite but Australia is much more than all […]
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ConsultingPress launches new tourism development project

Why is sustainable tourism so important? It helps preserve cultural heritage and nature. By practicing a sustainable tourism as a company, tourist agency and any other for of tourism entity you help to make only positive impact on environment and society, while in the same time you have many economical advantages. Tourism is one of […]
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