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Why Make Australia your new home for all Migrants from Dubai & Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates and India

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  • Why Make Australia your new home for all Migrants from Dubai & Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates and India

When you ask the question of what Australia is known for to the world, you get answers like kangaroos, koalas, cricket, swimming, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, Bondi Beach, Aborigines, Russell Crow, Mel Gibson, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Chris Hemsworth, Cate Blanchett, Mines, Minerals, wine, and Vegemite but Australia is much more than all of this. There are a few interesting facts that we would like to share with all our migrants from Dubai, Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates and India who would be interested in Migrating to Australia.

  • Australia is the 6th largest country in the world, occupying an entire continent of some 7.6 million square kilometres. The Australian continent is the smallest, and second-lowest human inhabited (after Antarctica) continent on
  • Australia is spanning three oceans and covering around 12 million square kilometres and has the world’s 3rd largest ocean territory.
  • 91 percent of Australia which is nearly 7 million square kilometres is covered with Agriculture and Vegetation.
  • Over 200 plus different languages and dialects are spoken in Australia, with the most common non-English spoken languages are Italian, Greek, Cantonese, Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin and majority of all Indian regional and national languages
  • Australia has one of the world’s most efficient and stable stock markets, strongest economies, banking regulation, legal rights and anti-trust laws.
  • The Australian economy is an important contributor to the world to drive global business like meat, agriculture, dairy, education, tourism, mining, innovation, science and wealth management.
  • Australia possesses around 30% of the world’s known recoverable uranium reserves. Australia’s uranium has been mined since 1954, and three mines are currently operating, Ranger, Olympic Dam, and Four Mile.
  • Australia also offers modern ICT infrastructure, high levels of investment, generous research and development (R&D), tax incentives for businesses, and strong intellectual property protection.
  • Australia is rated number 5 in the worlds top 200 universities by five key subject fields and is also the home to the largest pool of funds under management in the Asian region.

Moving to Australia and settling there isn’t a straightforward process by just putting in a visa application. The process is complex and is best only handled by Australian Registered Migration Agents or Australian Immigration Lawyers.

FBP handholds their migration clients especially from Dubai Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates and India, throughout its Permanent Residency Visa programs and process. Migrants from Dubai Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates and India that apply their Migration to Australia through FBP and its business associates and partners – FBP International, also provide end to end Australian Settlement services like but not limited to, home stay, long-term and short term accommodations, orientation of Australia and its lifestyles, job search, acquiring or takeover qualifying businesses either self-managed and/or co-managed businesses with lucrative returns and providing and helping them get an Australian Citizenship.

Migrants from Dubai, Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates and India who are Interested in migrating and settling in Australia and/or doing Business or Investing in Australia with assured good return of investments, please contact sales@fbpintl.comor call us on +971507513997 (UAE) +61499914288 (Australia)