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40,000 People Apply For ‘World’s Coolest Job’ As Australian Millionaire’s Assistant

Remember we told you about the Australian millionaire who was advertising for a personal assistant to travel around the globe living in the lap of luxury? Well, he’s had quite a bit of uptake on his offer.

Actually, 40,000 people have applied for the position.

Matthew Lepre runs an e-commerce empire and trousers around A$120,000 each week. The job that he was offering was to oversee the growth of the four companies that he runs whilst living the globe-trotting lifestyle alongside him.

The pay wasn’t too bad, either. Lepre is offering a base rate of around A$52,000.

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

That base rate is just the start, too. Travel and health, all covered. There’s a lot of travelling, by the way. At least one different country every couple of months.

Lepre explained: “Salary will be based on the person’s experience but the base rate is in addition to travel and accommodation expenses. Health insurance benefits are paid for by me separately,

“Travelling while I work has allowed me to live my ideal life, and I want to give someone the opportunity to do the same alongside me,”

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

The 26-year-old entrepreneur described the post as “the coolest job in the world” and it seems as if a decent amount of people agree with him.

Speaking for his private villa in Thailand, Lepre told the Daily Mail: “I have received over 40,000 applications from people all around the world. I have definitely received far more applications from women (75 per cent) than men (25 per cent) and even a few marriage proposals too,”

Wow. How do you even go about sifting through that many applications? He should probably just start advertising several other jobs as assistants to help find the right candidate for the first job.

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

He says that from what they know so far, most of the people who have applied are between the ages of 23 and 37 – millennials to you and me – and are drawn from across the globe.

The largest demographic – so they say – is women from Australia. However, there are also applicants from the UK, Italy, South America, and Asia.

He continued: “A lot of people who are applying say in their application that they are working the 9-5 rat race and want to escape corporate life and are ready to bring the skills they have learnt to this role, while travelling the world with me,”

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

Although he lives the life of luxury these days, all massages, cocktails, and sunshine, he wasn’t brought up that way. Lepre thinks it is important to remember that he grew up in a single parent family in Sydney’s Western Suburbs and is committed to giving something back.

He added: “‘Life is always about giving back to those less fortunate than you and I am always thankful to those who supported my mum and I during the dark days when times were tough financially,”

Well, good luck to all the applicants. Let’s see who gets the job at the end of it all.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram


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