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The Complete Insight into Eligibility and Benefits of Australian Partner Visa

Australia is a fully developed country that boasts of a resilient economy that is an indicator of lower unemployment rate. As compared to other developed countries, Australian work force generally earns more than their counterparts in other countries. This has made Australia a favoured migration destination since the past 2 decades. Also, the country stresses on a peaceful co-existence of its population that stems from more than 200 countries. In the past few years, Australia is open for talented and skilled human capital. With lesser visa requirements bundled with a quicker turnaround time, majority of the migration aspirants are turning their focus to Australia to settle down. Migrating to the continental Americas, Europe and developed Asian countries has been made a tiresome process by implementation of extremely rigid processes by the administrations of these countries.

On the other hand, Australia has a completely transparent and logical visa processing policy with a quicker turnaround time. The eligibility criterion of Australian visas is simple and everyone who fulfils them has brighter chances of getting a favourable outcome. These are some of the reasons that the migration aspirants are considering, and Australia is currently witnessing a major influx of talented and skilled migrants in the country.

Now with a lot of migrants heading to Australia, there is another factor that comes into play. The migrants who go to Australia on a permanent residency are entitled to sponsor their partners to Australia. The Australian society is driven by the institution of family and the Australian authorities have introduced myriad of partner visa subclasses that lets the Australian citizens and permanent residents to live a happy life with their families in the country. The Australian partner visas range from prospective marriage visa to legally married and DeFacto partner visas. There is a no gender bias when it comes to Australian partner visas as same-sex partnerships and marriages are considered legal in the country. Also, the Australian authorities consider partner visa application on a case to case bases and if the intent is genuine with a provenly established relationship; the chances of favourable outcome are increased.

Recently, Best Migration Services (BMS) Australia compiled an insightful and thorough list of the dynamics involved in a partner visa. FBP International exclusively market BMS Australia’s services in the UAE and Malaysia and provides complete turnkey Australian migration solutions to individuals and families. BMS has some of the best experienced MARA agents and migration consultants who handhold the clients from lodgement of application to visa grant.

Generally, the onshore temporary partner visa is granted to the applicant if they meet the eligibility criteria. Once a temporary partner visa is granted, a permanent partner visa goes into processing. The permanent partner visa also serves as a pathway to Australian citizenship provided the eligibility criteria for the citizenship conferral is met.

According to the writeup at BMS Australia’s official website, following is the general eligibility criteria – applicable in most of the partner visa cases – followed by the benefits of these visa types.

General Eligibility Criteria for Australian Partner Visa:

The general eligibility criteria (applicable in most of the partner / spouse visa cases) to qualify for a partner visa is:

You must

  • Be in a relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident. This is the first step to qualify. In case your or your partners are not Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents, then you can not apply for the Australian partner visa even if your partner is in Australia under a visit visa or any other temporary category visa.
  • Prove that you and your spouse / partner have been in a genuine relationship for at least a period of 12 months. The time period of the relationship becomes more significantly looked at by the Australian authorities when you are applying for a prospective marriage or Fiancé visa.
  • Provide evidence that you and you partner are 18 years or older. The age is of significance since Australia discourages juvenile marriages and the legal age to get married in Australia, generally, is 18 years.
  • Satisfy the Australian immigration authorities that you meet the health and character criteria set by the government for immigrants.
  • In some cases, the Australian authorities will also have a look at the proof of substantial income of your Australian citizen or permanent citizen spouse. This practise is undertaken to ensure that your spouse will be able to provide you with living means once you are a new entrant in the country.

Benefits of a Permanent Partner Visa

Some of the general benefits of Australian permanent partner visa (applicable in most of the partner visa cases) are:

You can

  • Stay in Australia permanently
  • Work and study in Australia
  • Enrol in Australia’s public healthcare insurance scheme, Medicare
  • Sponsor your family members to come to Australia
  • Travel to and from Australia
  • If eligible, attend free English language classes provided by the Adult Migrant English Program
  • If eligible, apply for Australian citizenship

The visa subclass types and particular eligibility criteria can be accessed at the BMS blog posted here.

How FBP International Can Help you with an Australian Partner Visa

FBP International, in exclusive collaboration with BMS Australia, provides turnkey Australian partner visa services. We are the only Australian migration consultants in Dubai and Kuala Lumpur who are specialists of this visa types and have the tools and resources to process your visa application and assorted paperwork to increase the chances of a favourable outcome. If you require a partner visa to Australia from the UAE, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and other GCC countries then call today for a free pre-assessment appointment on 971507513997 / +971502047869 / +971501028196 / or click here.

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