FBP InternationalFBP InternationalFBP International

Wildlife Australia

Wildlife Australia Australia’s fauna is diverse, with 46 percent of its birds, 69 percent of its mammals, 94 percent of its amphibians, and 93 percent of its reptiles being native to the continent. [2]: 4 The continent’s lengthy geographic isolation, tectonic stability, and the impact of a unique pattern of climatic change on the soil […]
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Flourishing economy of Australia

Flourishing economy of Australia Australia is the 13th largest economy on the planet, according to the International Monetary Fund, Australia’s economy will grow to become the world’s 13th largest in 2022. The nominal GDP of Australia is expected to be approximately A$2.1 trillion (US$1.7 trillion). Although Australia has only 0.3% of the world’s population, it […]
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Opportunities In Australia

Opportunities In Australia Many people all across the world are looking for chances. Some look to America, while others look to Europe. On the other hand, an increasing number of people consider China to be the new country of opportunity. We all have various motivations for looking for chances, and we all look for them […]
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The Land-Down Under

The Land-Down Under Australia, the world’s smallest continent and sixth-largest country, is a fantasy place that you should visit at least once in your life. Australia, often known as the Land Down Under, is surrounded by water and natural wonders such as numerous coral reefs, natural rocks, sandy beaches, architectural marvels, adventure sites, red sweets, […]
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Why Migrate to Australia

Why Migrate to Australia Beautiful and well-known picturesque vistas, such as the outback and beaches, abound in Australia, as do excellent job prospects in cities such as Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Adelaide, Perth, and Melbourne. Not to mention the lovely regional locations that are now actively inviting new skilled migrants to contribute to their development […]
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Aussie Summer

Aussie Summer Australia has something for everyone, from its dazzling golden beaches to its steamy tropical rain forests, its rich Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage, to its one-of-a-kind fauna. Every month, you’ll have the chance to see a different portion of Australia at its best. If you want to go beach hopping, go between […]
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Why Make Australia your new home for all Migrants from Dubai & Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates and India

When you ask the question of what Australia is known for to the world, you get answers like kangaroos, koalas, cricket, swimming, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, Bondi Beach, Aborigines, Russell Crow, Mel Gibson, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Chris Hemsworth, Cate Blanchett, Mines, Minerals, wine, and Vegemite but Australia is much more than all […]
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Role of sustainable tourism in nature conservation

Why is sustainable tourism so important? It helps preserve cultural heritage and nature. By practicing a sustainable tourism as a company, tourist agency and any other for of tourism entity you help to make only positive impact on environment and society, while in the same time you have many economical advantages. Tourism is one of […]
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