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How FBP Can Assist You With Your Parents Visa For Australia?

Australia – the land of plentiful – has made it easier for aspiring migrants to migrate and settle down in the continent. Australia is a huge country that enjoys a dynamic economy bundled with mega infrastructure developments. The Australian authorities have made the migration process transparent, robust and less time-consuming for those who have the skills and talents that are needed in the country.

Mostly, the skilled immigrants migrate to Australia with their spouse and children. However, like every other society and culture, Australian norms about the institution of a family being together are no different. That is one of the reasons that Australian authorities have introduced a myriad of parent visa subclasses so that migrants do not have to leave their parents behind when pursuing their dreams of a secure future in Australia.

As a migrant, you are entitled to apply for parents’ visa to visit you or live with you in Australia. This means that you can have your parents visit you during vacations or you can simply have them live with you as a permanent resident just like you. The range of visas is extensive. However, in order to increase your chances of a promising outcome for your parents’ visa, you’ll need to select the right visa subclass when lodging the application.

As per the Australian Immigration Authorities, there are 7 visa subclasses that are available for parent visa applications. All these 7 visa subclasses cover different types of parent visas that have varying eligibility.

The Parent Visa Subclasses

  1. Subclass 804 Aged Parent visa
  2. Subclass 884 Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa
  3. Subclass 864 Contributory Aged Parent visa
  4. Subclass 173 Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa
  5. Subclass 143 Contributory Parent visa
  6. Subclass 103 Parent visa
  7. Subclass 870 Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa

Each of these subclasses has a different eligibility criteria and requirements. However, following are some of the requirements of the Australian Parents visa that you might find common in all Australian parent visa subclasses eligibility criterion.

  1. The sponsor of the parents must either be an Australian citizen or a permanent resident.
  2. The sponsor can provide financial assurity bonds and other documentation that proves that the sponsor is able to take care of the parents without having to rely on any form of governmental support.
  3. The parents pass the balance of family test. Your parents meet the balance of family test only if
    1. at least half of their children and stepchildren are eligible Australian Permanent Residents or Citizens
    2. there are more eligible children living in Australia than in any other country
  1. Generally, the onshore parents visa requires your parents to be at least 65 years of age when applying for a permanent visa.
  2. Your parents will also need to meet the health and character criteria set by the Australian authorities.

Also, there is another way that you can have your parents with you in lesser duration for longer. However, the mechanics of that method requires lots of paperwork, documentation processing and its more of an “Only FBP Can” secret. Stay with us as we will be revealing part of that secrets in our upcoming blog posts about parent visas

Where to start?

You will have to start by selecting the right visa subclass for your parents. For this purpose, you’ll have to identify if you want your parents to come over for the purpose of visiting you or you want them to settle and live with you in Australia. As mentioned before, there are seven distinguished parent visa subclasses that you can apply for your parents for them to join you in Australia. However, this can turn out to be extremely daunting task since there is a lot of paperwork involved. Also, the chances of visa refusal can increase if you are not able to provide the correct paperwork.

Let FBP Help You With Your Parents Visa For Australia

This is where FBP International steps in to help you. FBP International is the exclusive partner of BMS Australia – one of the finest Australian immigration firms located within the continent. Best Migration Services Australia is an exclusive member of the Member of Migration Alliance (MMA) – Australia. The team at BMS constitutes of experienced and qualified MARA registered agents as well as lawyers who are also members of their respective Australian bars and law societies.

We take pride in being the only Australian immigration agent that delivers turnkey immigration services to Australia from Dubai. Our comprehensive and transparent process starts from a FREE pre assessment migration consultation and takes your case step-by-step until your visa is granted. At FBP International, we understand the exact requirements of lodging and processing your parent visa application. Our Australian migration consultation expert’s handhold you through the process and keep you updated at every step of your visa application. We will also guide you on how to lodge your parent visa application for increased chances of a favourable outcome.

If you are missing your parents and want them to be with you in Australia then simply CALL +971507513997 / +971501028196 / +971529016145 to book your appointment with our Australian Migration Consultant or click here to start your assessment online.