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3 Common Reasons for Australian Visa Refusal

Australia – the land of plentiful opportunities – has made its migration and settlement processes fairly easy, transparent and less time consuming. Unlike other developed western world, Australia is open to migrants with talent and skills that can help further boost the economy of the country. The country attracts migrants from world over. There’s virtually no one barred from applying for Australian migration if they fit the eligibility criteria.

However, there are instances where the aspiring migrants are refused a visa to Australia. Best Migration Services Australia (BMS Australia) recently sketched a list of common reasons regarding visa refusals. The list concisely outlines some very basic reasons why some migrants are refused entry to settle in the continent. The list is comprehensive in a way that it highlights detailed information that the migration aspirants tend to – nearly always – overlook or take for granted.

Here are the 3 most common reasons we have picked out for you from the list published by BMS Australia!

Not lodging the correct visa application

The number one reason for Australian visa refusal is non eligibility for a particular visa. For instance, if you are applying to migrate to Australia as a general skilled migrant, then your profile should match the profession you’ve opted for in your application lodgement. An electrical engineer portraying as a sales executive will certainly ruin his chances for his migration application under the Skilled Visa regime. A technical sales representative filing her application as a customer service executive is also one such example where a visa might be refused.

Lack of documentary evidence

Documents and supportive evidence – these are the two essentials that you should not go wrong with. Your visa application and the outcome practically depend on these two factors. The Australian authorities will vet and scrutinize through the documentary evidence you submit in order to check your eligibility for migration under a certain visa. For instance, if you are an experienced HVAC installer but don’t have the diploma or the certification to prove your channels of attaining knowledge; you might have a visa rejection on the cards. Similarly, for spouse visa, if you are unable to establish evidence of a legitimate relationship with your partner via documentary evidence; the outcome might not hold promising news for you. Documentary evidence is of utmost importance and only an experienced MARA Agent – like one from the BMS team – can guide you on the right documents you need for a certain visa type.

Doctored claims and evidences

The background check mechanism of the Australian Home Affairs and Immigration department are very comprehensive and fool-proof. Hiding any past convictions, forging work documents and faking education in your Australian Visa application will not only eliminate any chances of your getting the visa but you might also face stringent consequences on charges of trying to game the system. Similarly, you don’t really get off the Australian Immigration department’s radar even after you get the visa and have landed. Any concealment of facts with a mala fide intention to forge your way into Australia can land you in a lot of trouble with authorities in Australia and at home. Forgery of evidence is a case so serious that even an Australian lawyer or MARA Agent will not be able to assist you with your post visa refusal appeal. However, in case, there was any unintentional error or oversight when lodging the application and providing the documents then you might benefit from consulting an immigration specialist to investigate your case and advise you accordingly.

These are the 3 most common reasons that result in Australian Visa refusals. For a complete list of 7 such causes listed at BMS Australia, please click here.

If you are looking to migrate to Australia from the UAE, other GCC territories, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal or Srilanka then get in touch with FBP International today. Also, if you are facing a visa refusal and want to know the correct procedure to re-apply or appeal then let us get you expert advice from registered MARA Agents and Australian lawyers at BMS Australia on choosing the right path to move ahead. FBP – in collaboration with BMS Australia – is considered an Australian migration consultation specialist not only by our clients but by our competitors too.

So if you are in a situation where you need complete peace of mind with your Australian Migration processing, then simply call +971507513997 / +971501028196 / +971529016145 for a FREE initial consultation or click here to book your consultation online. FBP will champion and advocate your right to a secure future and a prime lifestyle in Australia.

Primary Source : Best Migration Services Australia