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Career Scope for Accountants Looking to Migrate to Australia

During the past few decades, Australia has emerged as a leader in developed world. This is the result of mega infrastructure developments and a highly resilient economy that did not bow down to any of the recent global financial meltdowns. Due to these facts, Australia not only commands a fitting place within the developed world but has also become a favoured migration hotspot for talented and skilled human capital.  Australia is welcoming talent to settle down in the country and work for further growth and prosperity. For this purpose, Australia has laid down solid and transparent migration policies that ensure consistent influx of talented and skilled human resource in the country.

The immigration policies of Australia, unlike some developed countries, are favourable towards aspiring talented immigrants. In fact, it is one of the only developed economies of the world that has a transparent and robust immigration process. This policy of transparency has triggered a mass immigration interest amongst skilled workers located worldwide. Skilled individuals in various fields of engineering, healthcare, aviation, accounts etc are of great demand in Australia. Although, the policies are simple, but it is always recommended to let a registered migration consultant or agent handle your case to ensure that there are no missing links when an application is lodged.

Accounting is counted as one of the oldest professions. Accountants have been there always and have been helping organizations and public at large by keeping their finances in order. Australia is booming! There is mushroom growth of new businesses across the country and an accountant is essential for each one of them.  If you are an accountant with valid qualification and experience, then you are certainly in luck! Australia welcomes trained and talented accountants with arms wide open. At a macro level, Australian economy is growing more powerful rapidly. Financial experts and accountants play a key role in keeping this growth rate under check or boosting it.

Like other countries, an accountant is generally expected to perform – but not limited to – the following duties:

  • Help in devising and formulating organization’s budgetary and financial policies
  • Preparation of financial statements such as the balance sheet, cash flow sheets, asset and liabilities accounts etc to display the financial health of the organization to higher management and shareholders.
  • Conduct financial audit identify any record keeping discrepancies as well as give advice on financial matters such as capital ventures, income feasibilities, sale and purchase of new businesses etc.
  • Examine the costs of business operations. An accountant is usually cost cutting to optimize Businesses cash flow.
  • Provide assurance about the accuracy of information in financial reports and their compliance with statutory requirements
  • Collaborate extensively with third party financial auditors to furnish audit reports as and went requested.
  • Assisting organizations and individuals with tax advise
  • Preparation and filing of tax returns for businesses and organizations
  • Coordinating with financial lending institutions, banks and fund managers to arrange funding for the business.
  • Implement an automated or semi-automated accounting system that makes it easier for bookkeepers to enter and extract information.

According to the official Australian Job Outlook portal, the job outlook for Accountants in Australia enjoys a positive projection with higher median salaries. The outlook summary is presented in the table below:

General accountants key job outlook points as per the Australian official job outlook portal

  • AUD 1,660 Median Weekly Pay
  • Moderate Future Growth
  • Lower unemployment among accountants in Australia
  • 199,200 workers in the Australian workforce
  • The accountants are normally very high skilled in accounting, auditing and budgeting
  • 80% of the accountants in Australia are employed Full-Time

For more details on this profession’s statistics, please head to the official Australian job outlook portal.

Here is a list of professions, relevant to accountancy, that are high in-demand in Australia:

  • Management Accountants
  • General Accountants
  • Chartered Certified Accountants
  • Taxation Accountants
  • Insurance, Money Market and Statistical Clerks
  • Bookkeepers
  • Accounting Clerks
  • Financial Investment Advisers and Managers
  • Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers
  • Finance Managers

Please note that these are some of the key accounting professions. There are various other accounting related professions that also have a substantial demand in Australia.

How to proceed to Australia as an accountant from Dubai or Malaysia?

FBP International has helped several accountants to migrate and settle in Australia.  FBP International takes pride in being the only Australian immigration agent that delivers turnkey immigration services to Australia from Dubai and Malaysia. Our comprehensive and transparent process starts from a FREE pre assessment migration consultation and takes your case step-by-step until your visa is granted. We also offer post-visa settlement services and will be able to assist you in finding accommodation and jobs. We make your migration to Australia from UAE completely hassle-free! Call us today to book a 100% FREE first consultation and get ready to jump-start your life of security and modernity. Call +971507513997 / +971502047869 / +971501028196 / +971529016145 to book your appointment with our Australian Migration Consultant or schedule your appointment at https://fbpintl.com/1911-act-ad