FBP InternationalFBP InternationalFBP International

Avoid Cheap Unregistered Migration Companies

Why Using Cheap Unregistered Migration Companies Which Turn Out To Be An Expensive Mistake For You And Your Family

“If you wish to engage a migration agent, we recommend using an agent registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) who oversees the code of conduct and good standing of all registered migration agents. Registered agents are regulated and must abide by the code of conduct and must adhere to the highest possible standards.

In Australia, only registered migration agents and exempt persons are legally able to provide migration advice. Some OMARA agents also operate in the UK and are subject to the same code of conduct, professional development and regulations applied to agents based in Australia.

You can search for registered agents on the OMARA online.”


Migrate with FBP International

“The only Australian Migration Settlement Experts”

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