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How can you plan the next 10 years of your career?

Career planning is not something that you do once and then forget. Considering that research has found that the average worker will change careers – not jobs but careers – five to seven times in their lifetime, career planning is an activity you should do at least once a year.
Succeeding in a constantly changing workplace requires a career management plan. Employers always want to attract, hire, and retain employees who provide the best value. Think about yourself as a business with a product to sell and create a strategy for marketing your value in the workplace.

Replan your Career Constantly

Find a day or weekend at least once a year and schedule time to truly focus on what you want out of your career. For me, the best time to do this is at the end of December, as we’re approaching the new year.

You can explore lateral moves to broaden your experience or find a mentor in a different department that you’d like to explore. You can continue to experience career growth by investing in your career development – e.g., you can talk to your manager about job shadowing other employees in your company to learn about different jobs, or you can attend various training sessions and workshops.

FBP International provides opportunity to became a Sales agent for their services – Migration to Australia, Qualifications Australia and more.

Hopefully you still enjoy a lot of your work activities, but if that’s not the case, it might be time to start considering a new job or career. Make a list of what you like and dislike about your job. Our likes and dislikes change over time, so it’s always a good idea to reflect on what you feel strongly about in your life and career.

Don’t get stuck with your Present

Think beyond your current job title by considering your goals and how the skills you have now would be useful in a new role. Make a list of relevant transferable skills to add to your resume. Maybe your job title is Business Analyst but you have a huge amount of project management experience – skills that could be applied to other jobs. 

Make Short Term and Long Term Goals

What are your short-term (within a year) and long-term (within five to 10 years) career goals? You probably already know about SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timebound) goals. Always write them down and share the list with someone. This will help you to create a sense of accountability. While you can be successful in your career without setting goals, you can be even more successful with goal setting.

Overcome an existing Issue

If you can identify a problem within your organization, propose a solution, and implement it, you will not only increase your visibility in the organization, but also expand your skills in the process. One of the best ways to advance your career is to identify and solve an organizational problem your company is experiencing.

Upskill Yourself All along

This can be valuable in reaching your goals. Never miss a chance to learn and grow more as an employee and individual. Part of career planning is finding training opportunities, courses, or workshops that will help you further your career. If your company offers professional development opportunities, take advantage of them.
With FBP International, you can be a freelancer and still earn additional income by becoming a sales agent. This lets you to grow your network and earn from your contacts. Plan your Career smartly for a successful future.