Business in Australia

Business & Investor Visa
Businesses and business people wishing to come to Australia to carry out business activities have several visas they can opt for depending on the intention of their stay in Australia.
Business ETA, Business eVisitor, Visitor Visa (Business Visa Stream)
Business people planning to visit Australia temporarily for business activities, including attending unpaid business meetings and conferences, making general work or business enquiries, exploratory business visits, etc., can apply for a Business ETA, Business eVisitor, or a Subclass 600 Visa in the Business Visa Stream depending on their country of passport. With each entry, these individuals can remain in Australia for up to 3 months. Read more about these different business visitor visas here.
Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) Visa
Business visitors who are required to undertake highly specialised short-term work (up to 3 months) can enter Australia with the Subclass 400 (Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) Visa. However, the primary prerequisite is that the proposed work be highly specialised, and individuals possessing unique skills, knowledge, or expertise not commonly found in the Australian workforce may apply for this visa. It permits a work period of up to 3 and 6 months in certain circumstances. Read more about Subclass 400 here.
Temporary Skill Shortage Visa
Companies operating in Australia or those operating in other countries and wishing to employ a representative entity in Australia can sponsor individuals to come to Australia on Subclass 482 (Temporary Skill Shortage) Visa and remain in Australia for up to 2 or 4 years in a specified position in the company. The sponsors of visa holders must adhere to the eligibility criteria, including but not limited to showing that they are lawfully operating a business in Australia, that they are the direct employer of the sponsored employee/s, and provide evidence that they have a strong record and commitment to employing local labour or non-discriminatory employment practices. Read in-depth about Subclass 482 here.
Global Talent Visa
The Global Talent Visa program streamlines the pathway to permanent residency for highly skilled individuals with an internationally recognised track record of extraordinary and excellent performance in an eligible field. Applicants must provide evidence of an internationally recognised record of outstanding achievement in one of the following areas: profession, sport, the arts, academia, or research. Read more about Subclass 858 here.
Business Innovation & Investment (Provisional & Permanent) Visas
- Subclass 188 (Business Innovation & Investment (Provisional)) Visa allows individuals to own and manage a business in Australia, conduct business and investment activity in Australia, or engage in entrepreneurial activities in Australia. This visa provides seven streams as of February 2024: Business Innovator, Investor Stream, Significant Investor, Entrepreneur, Business Innovation Extension, Significant Investor Extension, and Premium Investor. Read more about each visa stream here.
- Subclass 888 (Business Innovation & Investment (Permanent)) Visa for entrepreneurs, investors and business owners who meet certain requirements and wish to continue their activity in Australia. It has five streams: Business Innovation, Investor, Significant Investor, Premium Investor, and Entrepreneur. Read more about each visa stream here.
Individuals and business people can also enter Australia on General Skilled Migration program visas if they meet the necessary criteria.