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    Tasmania is proud of its excellence in education and teaching. The Australian Curriculum ensures the national quality standard of education is guaranteed.

    The education system in Tasmania comprises the education of children from their early years through kindergarten, primary and high school, and tertiary education in universities and vocational education and training organizations. The system is delivered by the government-run K-12 schooling system and numerous independent schools and colleges, most of which are controlled or sponsored by religious organizations. Public education in Tasmania is managed primarily by the Tasmanian Department of Education. The Department is responsible for all aspects of education in Tasmania, including schooling, adult education, the State Library, and TasTAFE, a vocational tertiary institution with many campuses worldwide.

    Read in detail about Schooling in Tasmania.

    Government Education and Training International Tasmania (GETI) is part of the Tasmanian Government’s Department of Education and represents the Tasmanian Government School and TasTAFE international programs.