
Get Australian Qualifications from comfort of your home!

Australian Qualification is the exclusive service provider to help in facilitating you in receiving your diploma and/or graduate certificates with their transcripts from RTO registered institutions as per AQF standards

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    About Qualifications Australia

    Qualifications Australia is dedicated to helping you bridge your professional and educational gap and secure a successful future. We’ve helped thousands of completely satisfied applicants, and we’re not done yet.

    Our daily routine consists of supporting applicants from all over the world in aligning their present work and life experiences with an Australian qualification via the Australian Qualifications Framework. Qualifications Australia is based in Australia, and our team of legal specialists will walk you through the process!


    Qualifications Australia is not a provider of education or an educational institution and does not provide assessments or recognition of overseas qualifications. QA does not retain the records of any clients. QA is not an authority for immigration or visa matters and cannot provide specific course or Australian Immigration advice. QA does not provide jobs/employment and does not handle licensing, registration or accreditation for trades/professions.

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